The KExtraGames CVS

CVS (Concurrent Versions System) is a tool used by many software developers to manage changes within their source code tree. CVS provides the means to store not only the current version of a piece of source code, but a record of all changes (and who made those changes) that have occurred to that source code.

Anonymous CVS Access

The project's CVS repository can be checked out through anonymous (pserver) CVS with the following instruction set. The module you wish to check out must be specified as the modulename. When prompted for a password for anonymous, simply press the Enter key. To determine the names of the modules created by this project, you may examine the CVS repository via the provided web-based CVS viewer.

cvs login

cvs -z3 co modulename

Updates from within the module's directory do not need the -d parameter.

Web Based CVS Access

You can also use a web-based interface to view the CVS repository. Browsing the CVS tree gives you a great view into the current status of this project's code. You may also view the complete histories of any file in the repository.

Browse the CVS Repository.